Your Second Visit to Our Hot Springs Practice
Dr. DeBoer will explain how chiropractic can help you!

On your report visit we explain what we found and how we may be able to help you.
On the second visit to our office you will begin your chiropractic care for certain. Dr. DeBoer will review the findings of the nervous system scans and x-rays if taken, and recommend a course of care for you to get started with.
The length and intensity of treatment will be determined by your goals and priorities. Most patients will start with chiropractic adjustments and some passive therapies such as Intersegmental traction (roller table) to help bring the severity of the symptoms down. Upon completion of the visit for that day you will check out at the front desk and schedule your next appointment. Once again payment will be expected for services that day including co-pays and or coinsurance.
Take a look to see what to expect during your regular visits.